Ear wax removal

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Book an ear wax removal appointment

Ear wax is good for the health of your ears and it plays a vital role in preventing infection and removing debris from the ear canal. However, some people produce more than others, making them prone to a build up over time that can become hard and impacted, leading to irritation, hearing loss, or infection, if not removed.

Using ear plugs or earphones can encourage wax to build up and if you use cotton buds (never recommended), you could be pushing the wax further down the ear canal causing it to harden and become impacted, potentially leading to permanent damage.

Certain skin conditions, like eczema can also contribute to excess ear wax.

Suffering from itchy, aching or blocked ears?

We offer effective & safe ear wax removal

  • Micro-suction ear wax removal with a qualified hearing care professional
  • No ENT referral needed
  • Ear wax removal is no longer available on the NHS
  • No liquids are used. It’s clean, non-invasive and allows your Audiologist to clearly see into the ear canal
  • Widely considered the quickest, safest and most effective method of wax removal

Micro suction ear wax removal explained

This pain-free method of wax removal uses a low-pressure suction probe inserted into the ear, without any water being needed, to remove excess wax and debris. It’s safe, quick, comfortable and effective.

We do not offer the alternative method, ear syringing, as it has been recognised as potentially harmful by the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence, and is no longer recommended.

Affordable relief from ear wax

Patient care is at the heart of what we do. And now that ear wax removal is no longer available on the NHS (since September 2020), it’s important that patients can get the relief they need from ear wax – quickly and affordably.

That’s why we’ve kept our prices low – wax removal with us costs just £80. It’s recommended to use an olive oil based spray, like Earol, for a few days before your appointment to help soften the wax and make it easier to remove.

Book your ear wax removal

If you’re suffering from any of these symptoms, you could have excess ear wax:

Itchy ear | Discharge from the ear | Sensation of fullness in the ear | Sounds are muffled | Ringing sounds (tinnitus) | Dizziness | Vertigo | Ear-ache | Coughing

We’re here to help with any concerns you have about your ears, and to offer relief from ear wax with micro suction wax removal.